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Consulting with Melissa 

After Melissa received her master's in depth psychology, she transitioned from coaching to consulting. Her work blends depth psychology and Jungian training with a Shamanic sensibility. Melissa brings her decades of training and lived experience into her sessions, curating a unique and potent process for each client. She has limited availability for mentoring since she's in the thick of writing her dissertation, completing her second book, and speaking at events worldwide. 

Each session is unique, yet, working with Melissa 1:1 you will dive deep, and work in tandem with psyche (soul) & soma (body). Melissa weaves her heightened intuition with the psychology of fairytales and myth, dreamwork, and active imagination processes. With her skillful intuition, she knows how to expose your blind spots and shift the inner narratives that limit your potential. 


Each private mentoring experience is designed to creatively move you through various expressions of the shadow with Melissa's supportive presence, guidance, and life-changing processes. In our time together we may investigate: 

  • Archetypal Wounds: Witch wounds, Mother wounds, Narcisscissm, and various psychological and somatic wounds that create disharmony within the psyche. These wounds are often part of a complex, creating chaos resulting in sabotage or self-defeating behavior.

  • Shadow Work: We do not only focus on discordant or rejected parts of self. We also learn how to allow hidden potentials to emerge from the unconscious, to assimilate and integrate parts of the personality we wish to embody. 

  • Hidden Power Dynamics: Imagine discovering where you are leaking energy, plugging the drains, and becoming more resourced. Power dynamics influence prosperity, abundance, and our capacity to hold and attract more money. Money is not the only power dynamic- the body, business, and breath will also reveal hidden influences.

  • Action & Strategy: Brainstorm strategies for life or business, expansion, and when to take action. Melissa can help you tap into your purpose and shift limitations around implementation. This is a part of the integration process to move you forward with your intentions.

1:1 Consulting Options (2025)


Please email our office for private consulting; you may subscribe to Melissa's email list for updates on calendar openings.

Group & Hybrid Mentoring Options (2024)


Fairytales: A Creative Path to Shadow Integration 
This program is part self-study, part group mentoring.

There are seven modules of program materials: 

  • Seven Transformational Fairytales & Analysis of the Tales 

  • Seven Psychological & Energetic Processes 

  • Seven Live Group Zoom Sessions (w/ replays)

  • Private community w/ weekly journal prompts


The next round begins in September, subscribe for updates on calendar openings.

Radiant Darkness: A Hybrid Mentoring Experience
Rooted In Traditional Jungian Shadow Work

Radiant Darkness
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How would it feel to tap into your authentic self?

When we are caught in a web, suspended in time, days pass and we feel further from actualizing the dream(s) tucked within the heart.


We dance between the world of who we are, and a knowing of who we could be, if only we could be released from the web.

We are the protagonists in our journey, yet before we discover the light, the medicine, the power.... we are under a powerful spell. The spell of disenchantment. This is a dangerous spell, one that holds us captive, tells us lies, and keeps us from moving forward.

Stuck, frozen, avoidant or compliant.... the dream slips further and further away, yet the clock never stops ticking. There comes a moment, a critical time... and we are in it now. The Greek word for this opportune moment is called Kairos. 

In this program, we anchor into the opportune moment, study and examine our darkness, and extract the beauty hidden in the places we avoid.

This is shadow work, Jungian shadow work. 

The shadow is a dynamic aspect of the psyche, it contains repressed & suppressed experiences, memories, thoughts, and feelings. Yet the power of the shadow is also what we have yet to witness... the birth of a self unknown to us. A self that is hidden in shadow, not yet in our view.


This powerful version of self remains in shadow until we consciously decide to lift the layers into the light and integrate the wisdom the experiences have to offer us. 

This is a program rooted in Jungian Shadow Work, Somatic Writing, and Depth Psychology. We keep it simple yet potent, a deep dive without a long-term commitment

Radiant Darkness Details

Each week for six weeks you receive a recorded audio lesson with a lecture and various tools, guided practices, and processes. Once you have listened to the lesson and started to work with the material, you have a follow-up call with Melissa for one hour, once a week for six weeks.
  • Six potent lessons in Shadow Work
  • Six phone calls with Melissa Kim Corter
  • Dive deep without the long-term commitment
Radiant Darkness Mentoring Investment:
You must be approved to work with Melissa before you can purchase this program. Please email our office, to purchase the program.

Trained Practitioners

Melissa's clients tend to be advanced in their skills, committed to leading themselves, and well-acquainted with being uncomfortable. They understand creating change and achieving goals require us to think, act, and feel like a version of self, that has not yet become fully rooted psychologically or physically. Her work is not for everyone. If you are not willing to journal, take time to process, and integrate, her mentoring style is not for you. Melissa has also had some of the best practitioners, coaches, and healers complete her advanced method below, consider working with a highly skilled practitioner, you may find their information below.

The Intuitive Method™

We have twelve students currently in process of completing the ITM™ training.

As they complete the requirements, their information will be posted on the practitioner page.


Book an ITM™ session with one of our trained practitioners today*! 

Progressive & Advanced Programs

Melissa offers group mentoring programs in addition to 1:1 work. These programs include exclusive material, guided practices, and advanced content. Meaning, in-depth experientials and practices to help you assimilate, illuminate, and integrate each lesson. If you want to work deeply with Melissa's guidance, creative exercises, and tools consider joining a group mentoring program. When the doors to a new program open, it is listed here on this page.  We recommend subscribing to our email list as Melissa's programs fill quickly and are announced to email subscribers and private clients first. 

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